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This is the archive for April 2005

MCE2005 Keyboard Shortcuts

"Keyboard Shortcuts for Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005"

Keyboard Shortcuts Results

After installing Windows Media Center 2005, I've found this page much useful to get all the keyboard shortcuts.

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Smart Client Developer Center: Using the WiX Toolset to Integrate Setup into Your Development Process

Summary: The Windows Installer XML (WiX) toolset enables developers to integrate setup development into their daily development process. This article describes why setup should be integrated and how to do so using the WiX toolset both in Visual Studio 2003 and from a custom build environment.

Thanks to Rob Mensching for publishing a great article about WiX on MSDN. The article goes onto the details of integrating the install setup into the build process. Read the whole article here: Using the WiX Toolset to Integrate Setup into Your Development Process